2024 Virtual Conference

2024 GaAER Virtual Conference

We are excited for you to join us ONLINE March 22, 2024!

This year we are Shattering Misconceptions in the Entertainment Industry & Setting Boundaries to Decrease Vulnarability to Sexual Assault!

Right on the heels of "All the Light We Cannot See" hitting the screens, we have questions! Come join us as we embark on a panel discussion with 4 individuals currently working in the movie and arts industries. Each professional will share their personal experience and answer questions as an individual who is blind or low vision working in the entertainment industry.

We will then jump into a pretty heavy AND extremely necessary topic we all think about but aren't always sure how to approach--Sexual Assualt. We will hear from and have the opportunity to engage with Dr. Kelly who wilk share researched methods and tools which indviduals who are blind or low vision can use to decrease vulnarability to sexual assault.

Panel Participants:

Joe Strechay: Film Producer & Consultant

Precious Perez: Musician & Artist 

Thomas Reid: Audio Producer & Narrator 

James Rath: Filmmaker, Creator, & Speaker 

Research shows that people with disabilities, including people who are blind or have low vision, are seven times more likely to be assaulted than their nondisabled peers. In an effort to address this difficult situation, we will present effective ways that an individual who is visually impaired can protect themselves from sexual assault using meaningful methods and materials. The pros and cons of each method or tool that was assessed as part of the research for this presentation will be shared. Special considerations for the characteristics that make a good self-defense tool or method for people with visual impairments will be presented as well. Also, session participants will be provided with information about additional resources that can be used to empower individuals who are blind or have low vision with knowledge of one’s own body that is important for safety and well-being. 

Stacy Kelly, Ed.D., TVI, COMS, CATIS 

Research shows that people with disabilities, including people who are blind or have low vision, are seven times more likely to be assaulted than their nondisabled peers. In an effort to address this difficult situation, we will present effective ways that an individual who is visually impaired can protect themselves from sexual assault using meaningful methods and materials. The pros and cons of each method or tool that was assessed as part of the research for this presentation will be shared. Special considerations for the characteristics that make a good self-defense tool or method for people with visual impairments will be presented as well. Also, session participants will be provided with information about additional resources that can be used to empower individuals who are blind or have low vision with knowledge of one’s own body that is important for safety and well-being. 

GaAER Board Meeting

Following these sessions we will have our bi-annual open board meeting where we will learn about VI resources available throughout Georgia.